The contribution of economic immigration to Quebec’s prosperity


The goal of the Quebec Employers Council’s PROSPERITE.QUEBEC campaign is to unleash Quebec’s economic and social potential in a sustainable and responsible manner, to the benefit of society as a whole. These actions are designed to recognize and highlight the contribution businesses and entrepreneurs make to society, economic education and the dialogue between the business community and the population. In so doing, the Campaign creates forums in which prosperity is discussed and promoted; it presents its collective benefits and strives to influence the various governmental authorities to make decisions that would serve to foster Quebec’s prosperity.

This study is the third of the PROSPERITE.QUEBEC campaign and it focuses on the economic contribution of immigration to Quebec’s prosperity. Similarly to other jurisdictions around the world, Quebec offers economic immigration programs geared toward receiving people who are able to make a positive contribution to its economy and focused on three major issues:

  • manpower (availability, skills, specialization, etc.), for which Skilled Workers, Quebec Experience and Temporary Worker Programs are offered;
  • entrepreneurship (start-up, growth, diversification), supported by the Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed Workers Program;
  • investment (funding of public and private initiatives and projects) that complies with the Investors Program.

There are four parts to the study. First, the fundamental aspects of the contribution economic immigration makes to prosperity are presented, through an analysis of its impact mechanisms and a review of the literature on the various facets of this contribution.

Second, a short profile of economic immigration in Quebec is drawn for each of the three major immigration categories: skilled workers, entrepreneurs and investors.

Third, Quebec’s programs are analyzed under various perspectives: their characteristics, positioning and results are compared to other programs. In this regard, a survey was done with international consultants specializing in immigration to gather their perceptions from the immigration demand standpoint, both in terms of programs and the province of Quebec as an immigration destination.

Fourth, the economic issues of immigration are broached, based on a consultation of Quebec organizations involved in immigration and a survey among Employers Council members.

And lastly, the study ends by summarizing the main findings and by presenting a series of recommendations in terms of economic immigration policy in an effort to enhance its impact on Quebec’s prosperity.

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