For the province of Québec to prosper as a whole, businesses must be able to access a skilled labour force that is available and cost-competitive. This is why the CPQ annually publishes a special Report on Salary Forecasts for the coming year, in collaboration with some of the most highly regarded human resources consulting firms in the province.
In addition to establishing the main salary trends in the private sector, the document also includes an analysis of the outlooks and salary trends in the non-profit area.
This overview will help you in setting your own remuneration strategy. With the information contained in the following pages, you can:
- Compare the wage increases you are projecting for your business to those being planned in your own industry sector;
- Evaluate the salary increases and wage-scale adjustments of your various employment categories;
- Learn about the variations in salary growth among the various provinces;
- Assess the trends in terms of managerial staffing.
We wish to sincerely thank our partners and extend our congratulations for the thorough job they do in making this collection of data a document which is such a valued point of reference for human resources professionals and managers throughout the province of Québec.
Happy reading!
Yves-Thomas Dorval