In an aging population context, being able to access a skilled and available labour force at a competitive cost is a priority for employers and one of the main conditions for Québec’s prosperity. This special Report on Salary Forecasts, published yearly by the CPQ in collaboration with some of the top human resources firms in the province of Québec, allows us to establish salary trends in the private sector for the coming year.
The document also provides an overview of the survey on salary increases in non-profit organizations conducted by the Centre québécois de service aux associations. Again this year, the difficult economic context and market uncertainties have led employers to proceed cautiously, thereby hampering their salary planning. In fact, almost every activity sector is experiencing a decline in wage hikes. This publication will enable you, at a glance, to get the opinion of human resources experts so you can better plan your remuneration strategy.
You will be able to:
- Compare the salary increases you are planning to those being forecast in your activity sector;
- Assess the salary increases and wage scale adjustments in your various employment categories;
- Learn about the variations in salary growth among the various provinces;
- Assess the trends in terms of managerial staffing.
Meanwhile, in the context of the current debate on the minimum wage in the province, the CPQ is in the process of conducting an in-depth research to assess the actual impact of the various scenarios, in which the determining factor is how quickly the increases are to occur, and the ensuing impact on the job market. Don’t forget that employers may have to reassess their internal wage scales should the government legislate significant increases in the minimum wage.
Once again, we would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our partners for their collaboration and congratulate them for their meticulous work.
Happy reading!
Yves-Thomas Dorval